The CTO-Q is a 15” Qwik-Twist replacement cartridge designed for OptiPure QT systems. It reduces sediment to 0.5-microns and also helps in reducing chlorine, taste, and odor. With a flow rate of 2.25 gallons per minute, it can treat up to 22,500 gallons of water.
Applications: Fountain Beverages, Coffee, Tea, Water
Primary filtration in combination systems. *Encapsulated Qwik-Twist style cartridge for OptiPure QT Systems
Improves the quality and consistency of cold and hot beverages
Reduces maintenance frequency and cost, and extends equipment life
Gradient-density depth filtration reduces dirt, rust, and other debris as small as 0.5-microns to assure clean, clear water and protect solenoids, valves, and other fittings against wear and plugging
Activated carbon filtration makes water taste great and protects equipment against corrosive chlorine
High capacity cartridge extends filter system life reducing maintenance frequency
1/4 turn Qwik-Twist bayonet cartridge makes changing the filter quick, easy, and sanitary